Funding Options Blog

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Bolster your business through asset refinance, invoice finance and unsecured loans

With coronavirus causing disruption across a multitude of industries, businesses are looking for alternative ways to improve their cash flow. Innovative funding solutions like asset refinance, invoice finance and unsecured loans can provide small to medium-sized businesses with speedy financial support, including those who find it difficult to access more traditional finance types like bank loans. If you needed finance for your business in the past your options were fairly limited. You’d have to apply for funding from a traditional source, typically in the form of a secured loan from your local bank. Nowadays there are a number of flexible options and a variety of lenders, making it easier for you to find a finance option that’s right for you.

15 Dec 2020

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Funding Options X Open Banking

Minutes not hours: Funding Options uses Open Banking to reduce business loan decision times

Open Banking will allow businesses to be pre-approved for loans, reduce application times, and reduce fraud risk.

8 Mar 2021

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two women sitting on a window sill talking

10 Ways to stay productive and positive when working from home

On March 23rd, the UK Government outlined strict new measures to limit the spread of coronavirus, stating that people should only leave the house to work where it is “absolutely necessary”. To help protect the NHS and save lives, the majority of us are replacing our desktops with laptops, our offices with online platforms like Skype and Zoom. Before the coronavirus pandemic, remote working was already on the rise around the world. In fact, research tells us that more than two-thirds of us have done it. However, there’s a significant difference between working flexibly one or two days a week and spending all our working (and living) hours within the confines of our home.

14 Dec 2020

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woman biting on pen whilst typing in front of laptop

5 Things to Know about Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme

The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS for short) provided SMEs experiencing revenue loss and cash flow disruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic with access to financial support of up to £5 million. Whilst the scheme is now closed, it was part of the UK government’s wider temporary and targeted support for businesses package and was administered through loans, overdrafts, invoice finance and asset finance. There is still support available for larger companies via the COVID-19 Corporate Financing Facility. Through this scheme, the Bank of England will buy short term debt from larger firms that are experiencing a short-term funding squeeze, enabling them to finance their short term liabilities.

14 Dec 2020

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A letter to the Treasury

Dear Rishi Sunak MP, On behalf of the UK’s SMEs, entrepreneurs, and sole-traders, we want to thank you and your team for your tireless efforts to minimise the impact of COVID-19 on business. It’s a really tough time for business owners across the country, and the economic packages you’ve presented to date go a long way to mitigating their worries.

14 Dec 2020

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man holding a selection of credit cards

Compare UK business credit cards 2020

Having a business credit card can help you manage expenses and cash flow in a convenient and flexible way. It can be used by both you and your employees to make company purchases and can help you build up your business’ credit rating. Much like a personal credit card, you can choose to pay the balance in full or meet the minimum payment requirements. Your business is responsible for making the payments. Credit cards are a type of unsecured lending and the and limits can be quite strict. Of course, have to meet the lender’s criteria - they’ll want to look into your credit history, trading history, turnover and profit. Your credit limit - usually anywhere between £1,000 and £10,000 - will very much depend on your credit rating, as will your interest rate, interest-free period and rewards.

15 Dec 2020

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Covid-19: Financial help for small businesses in the UK

It’s a challenging time for SMEs around the world as the economic impact of the Coronavirus pandemic starts to unfold. Global shares have taken a hit, interest rates have been cut and the OECD has downgraded its growth forecasts as factories close to help contain the virus. On Friday 20 March, Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, announced the first set of measures to help businesses impacted by COVID-19. The government has pledged support for businesses through the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme and other temporary and targeted measures. These are designed to help companies manage cash flow during this difficult period through unlimited loans and guarantees. An initial £330 billion of guarantees will be made available, which is equivalent to 15% of UK GDP. Bear in mind some aspects of business support are devolved and differ in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Full information and relevant links can be found on the government's support for businesses page.

14 Dec 2020

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The ultimate guide to working capital

A steady flow of working capital is vital for any business hoping to achieve long-term success. A company can have significant assets and profitability, yet find themselves unable to survive due to lack of working capital. This guide is for business owners interested in finding out more about working capital and how to calculate it, as well as those searching for sustainable practices that will help them optimise their flow of working capital.

15 Dec 2020

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SME company working

Independent businesses applied for a record £102m in loans during 48 hour window as COVID-19 cashflow fears take hold

Funding Options, the marketplace for business finance, is working hard to support independent UK businesses following a rapid increase in the number of loan applications. Around 1,884 businesses in the UK applied for £101,937,336 in loans during a 48 hour window.

8 Mar 2021

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