Funding Options Blog

Home of our blog articles on topics that will inform and educate entrepreneurs on topics such as lending, green finance, tax and financial matters.

Person typing in code
Tech blog

Accelerating delivery, reliability and process efficiencies

How do you eliminate unnecessary back and forth and get your Front End and Back End teams running in parallel? For Funding Options’ Front End Tech Lead, Tom Parsons, contracts hold the key.

14 May 2021

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Supporting businesses navigating a post-Brexit world

For some, the lingering impact of Brexit has made the idea of growing a business seem like an impossibility. For others, it's providing an opportunity to look beyond the EU to new international markets. Fortunately, there’s financial support out there for business owners looking to overcome cash flow challenges as well as those planning to scale in a post-Brexit world.

13 May 2021

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Electric car
Green Finance

What should SMEs do to become net zero?

The UK recently agreed to legislate a new target to reduce emissions by 78% by 2035. It’s the most ambitious target for cutting carbon in the world, and will require everyone to play their part. So, what can SMEs do to scale back emissions and finally become net zero?

10 May 2021

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Finance glossary

Fintech glossary: Key business finance terms explained

Our comprehensive A – Z of business finance is designed to help you understand the acronyms and terms you’ll come across as an SME owner. The finance sector is constantly evolving to meet the needs of business, with new terminology emerging every month. Bookmark this page to stay ahead of the curve!

5 May 2021

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Funding Cloud

Funding Options transforms SME finance with first fully integrated real-time lending platform, the Funding Cloud (™)

Funding Options, the leading marketplace for business finance, has launched Funding Cloud (™), a technology and data-driven platform that will bring unparalleled scale and speed to the SME finance sector. Lenders including Just Cash Flow, iwoca, YouLend, Optimum Finance and FIBR have already integrated with Funding Cloud (™) to benefit from its innovative technology and as a highly efficient channel for customer acquisition. By Q4 this year, the company expects to have more than 30 lenders fully integrated. 

27 Apr 2021

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Women in Fintech

The Women in Fintech series: In conversation with Akruti Amin

Akruti’s mentors helped her choose a path that wasn’t initially on her radar – one that would ultimately lead her to thrive in the Fintech industry.

22 Apr 2021

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Green Finance
Green Finance

Why it's important for SMEs to be net zero

Back in June 2019, the UK became the first major global economy to pass laws to end its contribution to global warming by 2050. Here’s why it’s so important for the nation’s small-to-medium sized businesses to play their part when it comes to reaching net zero.

21 Apr 2021

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House of Parliament and Big Ben

Chancellor sets out ambitious plans to boost UK Fintechs

The Chancellor has announced today, 19 April 2021, ambitious new plans to help fintechs scale up and ensure the UK remains at the cutting edge of digitalising finance.

19 Apr 2021

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Open Banking mythbuster
Tech blog

5 common myths about Open Banking

It's natural for business owners to worry about adopting new technologies into the day-to-day running of their business. So its unsuprising that many SMEs share the same concerns about the concept of Open Banking. Often, the benefits of Open Banking technology are overshadowed by unfounded myths. Did you know it can actually help business owners access finance faster, more efficiently and allow you to manage your money better. In the first article of our two part series, we’ll help you get to grips with what Open Banking means and dispel some of the myths around it. Keep an eye out for our next instalment, which will focus on Open Accounting.

19 Apr 2021

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