Funding Options Blog

Home of our blog articles on topics that will inform and educate entrepreneurs on topics such as lending, green finance, tax and financial matters.


What are late payment fees?

Running a business can be time consuming and challenging, so when it comes to making sure your invoices are settled many business owners simply don’t have time to chase. Late payments are a common issue for small business owners and by applying a late fee payment on invoices, SMEs apply another layer of legislative protection.

10 Aug 2021

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Can you save on your CBILS loan repayment costs by refinancing for a RLS loan?

Last week, the Financial Times reported that as much as £5bn of state-backed government Covid-19 funding is at risk of not being repaid. So, what can business owners who took out a government-back loan – or any other type of finance – do to help ease the financial burden? For many, refinancing debt using the RLS could reduce repayment costs.

9 Aug 2021

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using late payment fees

What is the standard late fee on an invoice?

Late fees are often included within invoices as a penalty for customers that don’t pay their bills on time. Used by businesses of all sizes, late payment fees are used to encourage customers to pay their invoices on time. This then prevents business owners from needing to resort to short-term loans to pay their bills.

9 Aug 2021

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What is EBITDA?

The acronym EBITDA stands for ‘earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation’. It’s a metric business owners use to look at their operating performance. EBITDA can be considered as a substitute for cash flow for businesses to help them understand their current financial performance.

6 Aug 2021

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merchant cash advance

5 things to know about merchant cash loans

If your business uses a cash terminal and takes card transactions, you could benefit from a merchant cash advance to help grow your business and enjoy a flexible repayment plan.

5 Aug 2021

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Tech blog

Who makes up the SME lending ecosystem?

The SME lending ecosystem is made up of numerous entities operating in the business finance sector, including business banks, non-bank lenders, accountancy firms and lending platforms like Funding Options. Read on to find out more about how the lending ecosystem is evolving, and how Funding Cloud is helping to support it.

4 Aug 2021

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Road to recovery: hospitality and tourism

The pandemic has highlighted the importance of hospitality and tourism businesses, not just as employers but as cornerstones of our local communities. As the sector continues to face huge hurdles, we take a look at what its road to recovery might look like in light of the Government's new strategy, which focuses on boosting resilience.

3 Aug 2021

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What is a creditor?

A creditor is an individual or business that lends money to another individual or business through providing products or services to them. As soon as they provide the service or product or simply give the loan they become a creditor as they’re owed the money back.

2 Aug 2021

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Power pylons at sunset
Business Energy

Could your business save by switching energy providers?

Like individual consumers or households, some businesses stick with the same energy supplier for years – decades, even. But changing business energy supplier can help you keep your expenses under control. Could you be saving capital by switching today?

29 Jul 2021

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