Funding Options Blog

Home of our blog articles on topics that will inform and educate entrepreneurs on topics such as lending, green finance, tax and financial matters.


Autumn Budget 2021: What it means for SMEs

On 27 October 2021, Chancellor Rishi Sunak revealed the contents of his budget in the House of Commons, laying out the Government’s tax and spending strategy for the year ahead. So, what can SMEs expect in the coming months?

27 Oct 2021

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general FO news blog
Green Finance

Proposal for government-backed green loans scheme

Six million UK small businesses contribute just under half of the UK’s carbon emissions generated from business and industry. Prior to COP26 in November 2021, the UK government needs tangible new products to address the environmental impact of small businesses.

26 Oct 2021

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Renewable energy - solar panels in a field
Green Finance

COP26: How we’re helping pave the way for a net zero economy

With COP26 around the corner, now’s the perfect time for businesses to reflect on their own green values and goals. Find out how Funding Options plans to minimise its carbon footprint, and how it’s playing a crucial role in enabling businesses to access green finance.

25 Oct 2021

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general FO news blog

Fintech leaders call for government-discounted green loans

With small businesses responsible for around half of the carbon emissions generated from business and industry, a group of financial services providers and influential small business organisations have signed an open letter calling for a tangible solution to hit climate goals by 2050

26 Oct 2021

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Keeping up with loan repayments

What happens to a business loan if the business fails?

As soon as a payment is missed, this is considered defaulting and lenders will still need their payment in full. Typically, it’s 2-3 payments before they find other ways of getting the payment from you. Depending on the type of loan you’ve taken out and the agreed terms you’ve signed, defaulting on a payment can mean anything from developing a poor credit rating, high fees and even having assets repossessed. We explore how you can avoid missing payments, what to do if you’re unable to pay and explore what happens to a business loan when a company fails.

22 Oct 2021

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Menswear shop window display with discounts

How can businesses prepare for the Christmas period?

For many businesses – especially those operating in the retail and hospitality sectors – Christmas can be one of the busiest times of the year. Preparing your sales and marketing strategies ahead of time is key, and with a bit of research, you can use changing consumer spending habits to your business’ advantage.

19 Oct 2021

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Electricity pylon
Business Energy

Business energy myth buster – 3 myths debunked

With wholesale energy prices at a high and firms fearing an uncertain winter, now could be a good time to explore business energy deals. In this article, we debunk some of the common myths around switching energy suppliers.

19 Oct 2021

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Applying for start-up finance

Can you get a loan for a new business that is 5 - 6 months old?

Starting a business is an exciting and busy time, so when it comes to finding the right funding it can sometimes feel overwhelming. Navigating the different types of business loans available to start-up businesses can be time-consuming and when you’re trying to run a new business, time is money! We explore whether a business that’s just 6 months old can apply for finance and the types of funding available.

15 Oct 2021

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Funding Cloud
Tech blog

The Funding Cloud (™) journey – 6 months on

It’s been six months since Funding Options launched Funding Cloud (™), a technology designed by our in-house tech team. It connects businesses, lenders and partners to facilitate fast, accurate and secure access to funding at scale. In this article, our Product Manager, Akruti Amin, reflects on how Funding Cloud (™) has evolved since April.

12 Oct 2021

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