Funding Options Blog

Home of our blog articles on topics that will inform and educate entrepreneurs on topics such as lending, green finance, tax and financial matters.

What is crowdfunding and how can I benefit from it? Card

What is crowdfunding and how can I benefit from it?

Crowdfunding has become a popular form of funding in recent years. Its origins date back to the 1700s; in 1713, for example, Alexander Pope requested donations to fund his translation of Greek poetry into English. But how does crowdfunding work today? And what are the benefits?

12 Oct 2022

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How to use a restaurant business loan to finance your expansion

If you’re running a successful restaurant, you might be thinking about expanding to a new location. Growth in any sector can be challenging, so it’s important to have a solid plan in place and understand the different finance options available to you.

29 Sept 2022

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Man looking at phone

Which should I choose: invoice factoring or invoice discounting?

Waiting weeks or even months for invoices to be paid can put pressure on any business’s cash flow. But invoice factoring and discounting can ease the burden. Both invoice factoring and discounting enable businesses to unlock the cash tied up in their unpaid invoices. Factoring and discounting are types of invoice finance, and there are some key differences. So, which one is most suitable for your needs?

28 Sept 2022

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Is it difficult to get a loan for a commercial property?

Businesses buy commercial property for a variety of reasons: they might want to purchase a premises for their business, or add to their buy-to-let portfolio, for instance. Yet many business owners lack the cash to be able to buy commercial property outright, and this is where commercial property finance comes in. But how accessible are commercial property loans, exactly?

28 Sept 2022

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alternative funding options

10 alternative funding options for small businesses

Despite not always being easy for a business to get a bank loan, several 'alternative' finance options cater to a more specialised market, offering increased flexibility around guarantees and repayment terms. Read on to learn more about the alternative funding options your business should consider.

12 Sept 2022

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8 obstacles that keep you from getting a small business loan

There comes a time – or even a few – when additional funding is required in many businesses’ lifecycles. However, there are a few factors that can stand in the way. Let’s look at the main obstacles to funding and how businesses can overcome them.

25 Aug 2022

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Woman driving

What capital allowances can you claim for your business?

As a business owner, you can claim capital allowances for assets you buy and use in your business. These assets are called 'plant and machinery' and cover a range of equipment, machines and business vehicles. Capital allowances enable you to deduct part or all of the item's value from your profits before tax. Here's what to expect.

25 Aug 2022

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Cash machine

8 things to consider when choosing a bank for your small business

Having a business bank account will help you to keep your business and personal transactions separate. If you run a limited company or incorporated company, you usually won’t be allowed to use a personal account in place of a business one. Finding a business bank that suits your business’ needs and plans is important, but it’s not always easy. That’s why we’ve put together a list of things for you to consider.

25 Aug 2022

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Paper clips

What are the top pros and cons of unsecured business loans?

Lots of businesses – even the most profitable – require [business loans]( to fund their financial needs. Whether you need finance to take your company to the next level or manage your day-to-day cash flow, you could use an asset to secure finance. But what if you don’t own assets? Is it possible to get a loan if you’re unable or don’t want to offer security? Yes – that’s where unsecured business loans come in.

25 Aug 2022

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