Funding Options Blog

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Short-term business loans — how can they benefit SMEs?

Short-term business loans can provide you with the finance your company needs. Perhaps you need a loan for cash flow purposes, or maybe you want to set your growth plans into action. Whatever the reason, this guide is designed to help you figure out whether a short-term business loan solution could benefit your SME.

15 Dec 2020

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Growing money

How to improve a bad credit score in 3 easy steps

Most of us are all too aware of the importance of good personal credit when it comes to obtaining finance for mortgages, contracts, and credit cards. For small business owners, establishing business credit can be just as crucial.

15 Dec 2020

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Cash flow lending definition and how it works

Healthy cash flow – the amount of cash and equivalents that flow in and out of a business – is the lifeblood of most SMEs. Yet dealing with cash flow issues as a startup or small business can be challenging and lack of cash is one of the top reasons companies fail.

15 Dec 2020

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What are fast business loans?

In the world of business, things can move at lightning speed and there are times when you might need a bit of extra cash to keep things moving in the right direction. Perhaps you’ve been hit with an unforeseen expense to pay for or maybe you just want to grow your business.

15 Dec 2020

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Top 4 business car hire options

If you need access to a car for business purposes and could do without the inconvenience of legally owning one, business contract hire — commonly referred to as BCH or business car leasing — could be the route to (eh hem) drive down.

15 Dec 2020

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A guide to business loans for small businesses

However large or small, every business needs adequate cash flow to operate well. Business loans for small businesses can provide companies with the financial help they need in a flexible format. This article looks at the most common types of small business loans and what they’re typically used for.

15 Dec 2020

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What is a limited company buy-to-let mortgage?

A limited company buy-to-let mortgage is where you purchase a buy-to-let property through a limited company or SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle). For a large percentage of property investors, the tax benefits of buying a property through a limited company can be considerable (particularly for higher or additional rate taxpayers).

15 Dec 2020

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What is property crowdfunding?

The sharing economy is based on the idea that you don’t have to fully own something to benefit from it. Among other things, it’s changing how we think about ownership and having an impact on how we invest in property.

15 Dec 2020

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Business acquisition – what you need to know

Business acquisitions can play a large role in the success and growth of companies. SMEs use acquisitions to bolster their market presence and acquisitions aren’t a rarity in the corporate world either. Alphabet – Google’s parent company – had reportedly acquired over 200 companies by 2016. But what is a business acquisition and how do they work?

15 Dec 2020

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