
Zoe Cornish

Chief People & Operations Officer

Zoe Cornish is the Chief People & Operating Officer at Funding Options. Zoe has an extensive background in human resources and in developing and implementing people strategies within companies, covering employee engagement, performance management, organisational culture, coaching, as well as policies and practice. Prior to Funding Options, Zoe was the COO at Emerald group (acquired by Mind Tools).

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The Women in Fintech series: In conversation with Bryony Morse

Bryony has become Funding Options’ Senior Finance Specialist despite once believing she "wouldn’t be successful in Finance".

6 Apr 2021

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International Women’s Day 2021 #ChooseToChallenge

The theme for International Women’s Day this year is #ChooseToChallenge, which focuses on the need to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality. This year’s campaign also seeks to celebrate women's achievements, in order to help create a more inclusive world.

5 Mar 2021

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The Women in Fintech series: In conversation with Naomi Kander

Since discovering the world of Fintech, Naomi hasn’t looked back and is paving the way for others to join.

3 Mar 2021

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The Women in Fintech series: In conversation with Nourhan Elshenawi

Nourhan’s role model inspired her to go beyond social expectations and excel within the fintech sector.

25 Feb 2021

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The Women in Fintech series: In conversation with Saskia van Kalsbeek

Saskia’s unfettered determination and the support of her team are what drive her to ‘find her own path’ within the fintech sector.

17 Feb 2021

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The Women in Fintech series: In conversation with India McWalters

Despite experiencing prejudice first hand, India wasn't deterred from building a successful career in fintech.

3 Feb 2021

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How to look after your mental health while working from home

To mark mental health awareness week, we’re sharing tips on how employers can support their team remotely and what we can do as individuals to help manage our mental health during lockdown.

14 Dec 2020

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10 Ways to stay productive and positive when working from home

On March 23rd, the UK Government outlined strict new measures to limit the spread of coronavirus, stating that people should only leave the house to work where it is “absolutely necessary”. To help protect the NHS and save lives, the majority of us are replacing our desktops with laptops, our offices with online platforms like Skype and Zoom. Before the coronavirus pandemic, remote working was already on the rise around the world. In fact, research tells us that more than two-thirds of us have done it. However, there’s a significant difference between working flexibly one or two days a week and spending all our working (and living) hours within the confines of our home.

14 Dec 2020

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Deeds not words: why we’ve signed the Women in Finance Charter

“Inclusivity” is a buzzword — one that means very little without action. That’s why we’ve chosen to make our commitment to achieving gender equality in our organisation public by signing the Women in Finance Charter. We’re part of a growing movement of forward thinking companies on a mission to create a more inclusive environment. Not just within our own company, but the sector as a whole.

12 Jan 2021

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