Funding Options Blog

Home of our blog articles on topics that will inform and educate entrepreneurs on topics such as lending, green finance, tax and financial matters.

Business Energy

How to switch and save money on your business energy tariff

Your commercial gas and electricity supply is crucial for keeping your business up and running. But are you paying more for it than you need to? We’ve partnered with Love Energy Savings to help you switch and save money on your business energy tariff today.

7 Sept 2021

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understanding balance sheets

Understanding the current assets on your balance sheet

As a business owner, it’s always helpful to understand your current financial status and if you have physical assets. If so, it's important to know how many are currently on your balance sheet - or your books. We explore understanding balance sheets and why it’s good to know your financial position when running a business.

7 Sept 2021

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How have GBEA alumni used funding to grow their businesses?

The Great British Entrepreneur Awards (GBEA) is a thriving ecosystem of 50,000 UK entrepreneurs and their supporters. As well as celebrating businesses through an annual awards ceremony, the GBEA provides year-round opportunities for winners and finalists. We caught up with some alumni business owners to find out more about their funding journey.

6 Sept 2021

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business loan application

What documents do I need when applying for a business loan?

Applying for a business loan does take a little admin time but once you’ve got the right documents in place, your application should be processed fairly quickly. We explore what documents you’ll need to have at hand when applying for a business loan.

3 Sept 2021

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Woman in bookshop

10 tips to improve your funding application

Now that the UK is in a period of economic recovery following the latest lockdown, many business owners are looking to expand their operations and obtain funding for growth. If you’re one of them, check out these 10 things you can do to improve your chances of getting approved. Even if your credit score is less than perfect, you could still be eligible.

2 Sept 2021

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Wind turbines
Green Finance

Why is it so important to fund green projects?

Analysis by *The Guardian* has revealed that the UK's low-carbon economy is worth over £200bn – four times more than the manufacturing sector. Experts agree the sector has the potential to tackle climate change and create sustainable jobs. However, they also warn that the UK can only make the transition to a low carbon economy if everyone supports a “national programme of transformation” – including SMEs.

26 Aug 2021

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Cleaning staff -

Managing cash flow when furlough ends in September

Since it was introduced by the government back in April 2020, the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) has been a lifeline for households and businesses across the UK. However, with the scheme set to end on 30 September, how can business owners manage cash flow in a way that will enable them to retain staff and continue trading?

19 Aug 2021

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How to manage your clients’ cash flow with funding

Managing cash flow is critical for the survival and success of any company. But the disruption caused by Covid-19 and Brexit has made it all the more difficult for many businesses to maintain a positive cash flow. In this post, we’ll run through how you can help manage your clients’ cash flow by leveraging flexible business finance.

17 Aug 2021

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lend green
Green Finance

Why is it important to “Lend Green”?

The government’s vision to ‘Build Back Greener’ following the Covid-19 pandemic sets out a policy direction for the UK to reach its carbon emissions reduction target of 78% by 2035 compared to 1990 levels. But a new report from Bankers for Net Zero argues that for SMEs to implement sufficient carbon reduction policies and regulatory requirements, more financial support is needed.

11 Aug 2021

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