Funding Options Blog

Home of our blog articles on topics that will inform and educate entrepreneurs on topics such as lending, green finance, tax and financial matters.

Woman Cleaning Sweet Potatoes

Funding for businesses experiencing supply chain problems and delays

The rise in the price of natural gas is having a significant impact on supply chains across the UK and overseas. Let’s take a closer look at how supply chain disruption is impacting different sectors, and explore how businesses can use funding to boost their cash flow.

27 Sept 2021

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filing coporation taxes

What is corporate tax?

In the UK, corporate or corporation tax is paid by all UK limited companies and other corporations and groups that make a profit in the UK. The amount each company pays depends on the annual turnover less their expenses. We explore corporation tax and how to pay it, in our latest blog here.

23 Sept 2021

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Group of people planning in meeting

Why alternative finance is not so alternative anymore

At Funding Options, we think it’s time for the industry to drop the ‘alternative’ from alternative finance. Funding Circle delivered almost a quarter of all CBILS loans, and Starling Bank expects to own 18% of SME business banking accounts within the next five years. Fintech lenders have entered the mainstream - we need to give them the recognition they deserve.

22 Sept 2021

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private equity for business

A guide to private equity funds

Private equity is an alternative form of private financing outside of the public markets, where funds and investors directly invest in companies or are involved in buyouts of companies. Usually, the investment funds are made to established businesses or more traditional industries in exchange for equity, or percentage of ownership. We explore private equity as a finance option and why so many businesses choose this kind of capital.

23 Sept 2021

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5 ways to manage your cash flow

From making sure your cash flow forecast is up-to-date to considering business finance, there are lots of things you can do to manage your company’s cash flow effectively. Good cash flow management can help your business become more resilient and grow.

20 Sept 2021

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working capital loans

What is the interest rate on a working capital loan?

Working capital finance facilities are designed to help businesses improve their working capital and encourage growth but just like other loans, there can be varying interest rates associated with these types of loans. We explore interest rates and why working capital is a great business loan option to consider.

17 Sept 2021

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fleet of vans

Why asset management is important?

Keeping on top of how many assets a business has is key to the ongoing success of a business. Knowing how many assets a business maximises the value and delivers the best results for stakeholders, as well as helps save time and money. We explore why asset management is important for businesses.

16 Sept 2021

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What is cash flow forecast?

A cash flow forecast is a way for a business to estimate the flow of cash in and out of their business over a certain period of time. The forecast acts as a plan for businesses to understand how much they can expect to receive and payout over the set period.

15 Sept 2021

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woman holding a leaf
Green Finance

Our journey towards funding a net zero future

At Funding Options, we believe in the immediate need to mitigate climate change and achieve net zero by 2050. But we’re also aware that actions speak louder than words. Read on to find out about how we’re championing sustainability and how we’re helping UK businesses play their part too.

14 Sept 2021

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