Funding Options Blog

Home of our blog articles on topics that will inform and educate entrepreneurs on topics such as lending, green finance, tax and financial matters.

Tax 2022

Key tax dates and deadlines for 2022

For many, the beginning of a new year is a time for setting goals and getting organised. To help, we’ve put together a list of important tax-related dates to keep in mind throughout the year. Be sure to prepare for them in advance to avoid any unnecessary penalties.

18 Jan 2022

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Funding Options and Greenr partnership

Funding Options partners with Greenr to become a climate positive business

We have offset our entire carbon emissions for 2020 and 2021 as well as our employees’ personal carbon footprint, and are now measuring our emissions for 2022.

14 Feb 2022

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Energy bill
Business Energy

Understanding your business energy bills

Depending on the sector you work in, your business energy costs could be one of the highest cost variable overheads you pay. If you’re an energy-intensive business, you need to examine your current bill and begin to compare other suppliers to make sure you’re on the best tariffs and get the best value on the market. You can’t assume all suppliers are the same because the competition from suppliers and billing companies is vast. You should set aside time to investigate your options with your current supplier and then compare them with other suppliers. Business energy bills aren’t as simple as your domestic bill. There’s a lot more detail in a commercial invoice for energy so let’s examine the items and elements in your invoice to help you make informed decisions about your current deal.

27 Jan 2022

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Solar panels
Business Energy

How can I reduce energy consumption at my workplace?

Reducing energy consumption and costs in the workplace are hot topics amongst business owners and colleagues. Not just because of our green credentials, bills are also set to rise this year due to energy prices rising on international finance markets. Energy use has come into sharp focus lately as we’ve realised even minor adjustments can have a massive impact on lowering energy waste. Turning down the heating by one degree, turning off lights, using low energy bulbs, using dimmer switches, opening windows rather than relying on air conditioning are just some of the minor adjustments we can make that cause significant reductions. Today would be the ideal time to begin an energy audit for your business or in your place of work to see what cash and energy savings are possible.

20 Jan 2022

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Social media image of food

How to raise funds to start a restaurant

Starting a restaurant business isn’t for the faint-hearted or uncommitted. On paper, it looks easy - find the premises, give the place a fresh lick of paint (you can roll your sleeves up too) and get new flooring. Then buy a new cooking range, plates, pots, pans, utensils, cutlery and uniforms. Hire a mix of permanent and part-time staff, place a few local ads, create a buzz on social media, and voila! You’re good to go. If only it were that easy.

20 Jan 2022

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International payments
FX & International Payments

How to overcome international payment challenges as an SME

SMEs make up 90% of businesses worldwide, and the SME market in the UK contributes £2 trillion a year to the economy. SMEs also contribute significantly to international trade volumes – $35 trillion of trade is expected this year as the economy continues to recover. <br> Yet despite the pivotal role SMEs play, they’ve traditionally had to navigate complicated and costly international payment systems. Corporate B2B payment platforms aren’t always viable for small business owners who usually rely on their bank to facilitate transactions.

13 Jan 2022

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Clothes shop

How can UK businesses mitigate rising inflation?

The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) tracks inflation – i.e. how much prices rise over time – on everyday products. In December 2021, the headline rate of inflation in the UK rose to 5.1%: the highest rate in a decade. What does this mean for businesses?

12 Jan 2022

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Woman paying in a shop

RLS update: What’s changed and what are the alternatives?

If your business has been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, you might be considering applying for finance through the Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS). On 1 January 2022, a few changes came into effect. Read on to find out what’s changed and how to apply.

10 Jan 2022

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Open for business

What’s available in the £1bn support package for businesses?

On 21 December 2021, the government announced £1 billion of additional support for the hundreds of thousands of organisations across the UK hit hardest by the wave of Omicron variant coronavirus cases. Let’s take a look at how the £1bn fund is being distributed.

6 Jan 2022

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