Funding Options Blog

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Business Credit Cards: The Safety Net for Cash Flow

Business Credit Cards: The Safety Net for Cash Flow

Cash is king for businesses, but it doesn't always flow steadily – especially in times of economic uncertainty. A business credit card can be a short-term safety net when cash is tight, or your business needs to cover an unexpected cost. Here's what to expect. 

22 Jul 2022

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Merchant cash advances – what are the features and benefits?

Merchant cash advances – what are the features and benefits?

Merchant cash advances can be flexible and fast to obtain. Used predominantly by retail, hospitality, and leisure companies – and businesses that rely on card payments from other sectors – to access unsecured finance. But how do they work, and what are some benefits and things to consider before applying?

18 Jul 2022

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Overdrafts and revolving credit facilities – what's the difference?

Overdrafts and revolving credit facilities – what's the difference?

Business overdrafts and revolving credit facilities share some similarities. For example, they're both designed for short-term cash flow purposes. But there are also differences: one of the fundamental ones being that your business bank usually supplies an overdraft while revolving credit facilities are available from specialist lenders.

14 Jul 2022

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What are the main crowdfunding advantages and disadvantages?

What are the main crowdfunding advantages and disadvantages?

If you've got a business idea in the pipeline or are looking to launch a new project, you might consider funding it via a crowdfunding campaign. But first, why not take some time to understand the advantages and disadvantages?

11 Jul 2022

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What loans are available for women to start a business?

Investing in equality: What loans are available for women to start a business?

Research reveals that female-led businesses receive, on the whole, less funding than those managed by men. But why? Shouldn't industry's goal be to ensure a diverse and varied business landscape? In this article, we'll take a closer look at the problem and highlight some key finance options that every business owner can use to access finance, hopefully achieving greater gender parity.

7 Jul 2022

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How to write a business plan for a loan

How to write a business plan for a loan

Your business plan is a living document – it's something you'll revisit to check that you're reaching your goals and making the most of your venture. You may also need one if you're looking for funders to support and invest in your idea. Here's how it works.

4 Jul 2022

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What is a typical exit strategy for real estate investors?

What is a typical exit strategy for real estate investors?

If you’re a real estate investor, you’ve probably figured out how you’re going to make money. Without an exit strategy, you could get no return or investment – or receive less than you invested. But what does a typical exit strategy for property investors look like? The truth is, there are a few – and the one you choose will depend on your own needs and goals.

30 Jun 2022

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What is Open Banking, and what does it entail?

What is Open Banking, and what does it entail?

Open Banking emerged as a set of reforms by the PSD2 in 2018. It allows consumers and companies to share their financial information securely and in a standardised way with authorised parties. But what does Open Banking mean for businesses, exactly?

23 Jun 2022

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Hands grouped together to represent business crowdfunding investment

Three types of crowdfunding investment

Most of us have come across crowdfunding campaigns on social media before. Crowdfunding enables organisations and individuals to raise funds by inviting a group of people to contribute small amounts, usually in return for equity or perks. Let's take a closer look at how it works, and explore some advantages and disadvantages.

13 Jun 2022

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