Dealing with overseas suppliers can be a challenge for cashflow management. Import finance allows you to close the cashflow gap between a UK customer placing an order (on credit terms), and the payment demanded by your overseas supplier.
Import Finance - Features and benefits through Funding Options:
We compare 120+ lenders
A Finance Specialist is available to guide you through the process
It is free and doesn’t affect your credit score
A variety of options for different purposes
We’ll match you with the right product for your needs
Import Finance - How does it work?
Import finance could help you place big orders with suppliers without worrying about having a big reserve of cash.
Maximise supplier relationships by ensuring there will be funding to pay your suppliers on time, everytime.
Minimising cashflow gaps can help ensure any outgoings and debt are manageable, and that your business can account for unexpected changes in circumstance.
Representative example*
7.63% APR Representative based on a loan of £50,000 repayable over 24 months. Monthly repayment of £2,252.94. The total amount payable is £54,070.56
*Some lenders may apply fees during the application process, please note that these are set and provided by these entities.
Annual Percentage Rate
Rates from 2.75% APR
Repayment period
1 month to 30 years terms