
Stuart Lawson

Chief Commercial Officer

Stuart is Chief Commercial Officer at Funding Options where he plays a key role in driving the growth of the business and its relationships with more than 120 partners. A finance industry veteran, he has a strong background in alternative finance, corporate and commercial banking, as well as global transaction banking.

two women in shop sorting clothes rails

The Recovery Loan Scheme vs. Alt-Fi products

The Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS) launched on 6 April 2021. Designed as a follow-up to the CBILS, CLBILS and BBLS, which all closed on 31 March, it provides businesses with access to the finance they need during the nation’s post-lockdown period of recovery.

8 Apr 2021

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Everything you need to know about the Recovery Loan Scheme

Rishi Sunak recently unveiled an investment-led budget designed to provide SMEs with financial support throughout the pandemic and beyond. The Recovery Loan Scheme is one of many measures set to enable UK businesses to prosper and grow.

10 Mar 2021

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Budget 2021

Budget 2021: What it means for SMEs

On March 3 2021, Rishi Sunak detailed the contents of his Budget in the House of Commons, including an additional £65bn of measures to help businesses mitigate the impact of COVID-19. So, what can SMEs expect in the coming months?

4 Mar 2021

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How to calculate business loan interest

By working out what your business loan interest payments will be, you’ll be making a more informed decision about whether you have the cash flow required to support your debt. Use our business loan calculator to figure out how much you’ll owe on top of the principal amount.

26 Feb 2021

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people looking out of a window overlooking the city

HMRC's new VAT deferral payment scheme now open for registrations

HMRC have opened its new online VAT Deferral New Payment Scheme for registration as of 23rd February 2021.

25 Feb 2021

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Default Hero - Funding Options

What is a Business Bounce Back Loan and where can I apply?

The coronavirus Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) is designed to help businesses affected by the COVID-19 outbreak access finance faster.

15 Dec 2020

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EU and UK flags

How to help your clients grow in a post-Brexit economy

Despite the uncertainty and disruption of 2020, the UK ranked 4th in the Global Innovation Index 2020 and continues to be one of the most entrepreneurial countries in the world. Covid-related redundancies are compelling individuals to set up businesses of their own, and the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) has created more clarity around what the new trading relationship between the UK and EU will look like moving forward.

19 Mar 2021

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Man submitting his tax return

Has the 31 January penalty deadline for taxes been extended?

The “immense pressure” the coronavirus pandemic has put many individuals under has prompted HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to provide self-assessment taxpayers with an extra month to file their online tax returns without receiving a penalty.

27 Jan 2021

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view of st pauls cathedral and bridge in London

Flexibility and funding for businesses in winter economy plan

On 24 September 2020 the Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced a further set of targeted measures to protect jobs and help businesses remain financially feasible as we head into the winter months.

24 Nov 2020

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