
Simon Cureton

Chief Executive Officer

Simon has been Chief Executive Officer at Funding Options since 2019, spearheading its transformation into a leading fintech with the launch of its Funding Cloud platform. Simon has over 27 years of experience in financial services, having held senior posts at some of the biggest players in the industry all over the world.

Open Accounting
Tech blog

3 common myths about Open Accounting

Open Accounting enables lenders to leverage up-to-date information in order to provide businesses with the funding their business needs. In this article, we’ll explore some of the benefits of Open Accounting and separate the truth from the fiction.

2 Jul 2021

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independents day uk

We’re celebrating Independents' Day UK – here’s why

Independents' Day UK is taking place on the weekend of the 3rd and 4th of July. The campaign was formed in partnership with Local Rewards, an organisation on a mission to help UK High Streets recover from COVID by rewarding shoppers for their purchases.

1 Jul 2021

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retail businesses bounce back

5 types of finance available for retail businesses

After a long period of closure, retail businesses are now back open and able to welcome customers in again. However, this has meant many businesses in the retail sector are finding it difficult to keep up with their cash cycles and outgoings for essentials such as stock, staff and rent. We take a look at some of the different facilities available to business owners who are looking for financial support within the retail sector.

28 Jun 2021

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Green Finance
Green Finance

Why it's important for SMEs to be net zero

Back in June 2019, the UK became the first major global economy to pass laws to end its contribution to global warming by 2050. Here’s why it’s so important for the nation’s small-to-medium sized businesses to play their part when it comes to reaching net zero.

21 Apr 2021

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Open Banking mythbuster
Tech blog

5 common myths about Open Banking

It's natural for business owners to worry about adopting new technologies into the day-to-day running of their business. So its unsuprising that many SMEs share the same concerns about the concept of Open Banking. Often, the benefits of Open Banking technology are overshadowed by unfounded myths. Did you know it can actually help business owners access finance faster, more efficiently and allow you to manage your money better. In the first article of our two part series, we’ll help you get to grips with what Open Banking means and dispel some of the myths around it. Keep an eye out for our next instalment, which will focus on Open Accounting.

19 Apr 2021

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Man making cocktail

Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS) vs. AltFi products – how do they compare?

The CBILS, CLBILS and BBLS all came to an end on 31 March 2021. Launching on 6 April, The Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS) is the much anticipated replacement. But is it the best option on the lending market, and how does it compare to the other alt-fi products out there?

30 Mar 2021

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EU and UK flags

UK Government unveils SME Brexit support fund

On 11 February, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Michael Gove, announced a £20 million SME Brexit Support Fund. The scheme is designed to help businesses overcome the challenges posed by changes to trade rules within the EU.

16 Feb 2021

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coworkers having a chat

What is alternative business finance?

Alternative business funding is becoming increasingly popular with businesses across the UK. It’s a broad category that encompasses many different finance types, from asset finance to merchant cash advances. Read on to find out more about the features and benefits of this flexible form of funding for businesses.

3 Feb 2021

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man typing at desk on laptop

Can I apply for a second CBILS loan?

On December 17th 2020 Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced that the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) is being extended to the end of March 2021. Previously, the deadline was set to the end of January.

4 Jan 2021

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